Why Hampton Physiotherapy?

One-on-one care with Dr. Hope Hampton

Hampton Physiotherapy offers one-on-one physical therapy appointments exclusively with Dr. Hope Hampton. You and Hope will collaboratively develop a treatment plan during your first appointment. Hope incorporates her vast expertise in orthopedic manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and extensive knowledge of orthopedic conditions into a care plan that works for you. Additionally, she will incorporate her musical training to assist you in recovering from music performance-related injuries, when applicable.

Specialities not offered anywhere else

Dr. Hope Hampton is one of the only physical therapists in the Portland metro area that specializes in working with musicians. She has helped countless musicians overcome injuries and return to full participation in performance, whether professional level or recreational. She has over 25 years of experience as a violinist and is well-versed in piano and guitar technique. She stays up-to-date on all new research regarding musicians’ injuries and rehabilitation and is the author of a blog which helps educate musicians about injury management and wellness.

Expertise & knowledge of wide array of orthopedic conditions

Physical therapy for all your physical needs. Sports injury? No problem. Repetitive stress injury while playing cello? We got you. Have a recent fall? Let’s get centered. Headaches? Let’s quiet that. Have a surgery? We’re on it. Have cancer or are a survivor of cancer? Let us support you. We treat it all. We are excited to help you reach your functional goals.

Compassionate & supportive care

Feel safe and supported while receiving treatment. Judgment is not welcome here. Private treatment rooms and a small, yet effective gym. You will feel cared for in a comfortable and clean clinic environment.

Inclusive of all people

Hampton Physiotherapy welcomes people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, and faiths. You will always be treated with respect and dignity. We aim to align diversity and inclusion to our patients and the communities we serve.

Female- and Independently-Owned Local Clinic

Dr. Hope Hampton is the sole owner and operator of Hampton Physiotherapy. She founded Hampton Physiotherapy in 2022 with the goal of providing holistic physical therapy services to her community in Portland, Oregon.